This week seemed really long! Not in a bad way though, lots of great experiences. Not really sure how to organize it so this will be all over the place. First off, Motoki, homie I met in Yamate that got baptized and decided to serve a mission? Well his mom is on schedule to get baptized next month!!! I don't feel like I deserve to have seen some of the miracles I have, especially meeting Motoki and seeing his progression. Our ward mission leader, Bro. Aono, is a recent return missionary and shared his testimony this last Sunday. He followed through with a challenge to share the Book of Mormon with a friend that I totally forgot we gave him haha. He said that was the first chance he has had to proselyte as a member and he was able to help his friend out. He said the joy he felt from that was way stronger than the joy he's gotten from all the things he "missed" out on while he was on a mission (movies, video games, music, etc.). It was a great reminder to me as I approach my last month out here. What we do as missionaries wouldn't really be considered "fun" but it's honestly some of the happiest times. Why so? Because it's the Lord's work and therefore the most important work. So it would only make sense that He gifts us with the greatest joy when are doing the most important things.
In our mission we aren't allowed to proselyte girls in most situations but this week I had two random situations where I needed too. The sisters are pretty thankful for me right now because they both became new investigators haha. One of them, Hiro, is way legit! She now has a baptismal date for this coming December! I don't really get to participate in the teaching experience but glad I got to be a part of her story.
Honestly the whole ward is ready to drop whatever they are doing to help us. It's amazing. Specifically, Bro Aono helped us a ton this week. We had a lesson with Kurenuma and we kinda just asked him to teach the lesson because it's so hard for us to really connect with him. It's hard to explain but Aono taught a PERFECT lesson, it was soo money. Kurenuma will get baptized one of these days, just need to help him recognize the answers God has given him. He has already recognized a lot of them but was expecting God to appear to him in a dream or something and tell him what's up. He is doing well. After the lesson we did Tim Tam slams and I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while. I don't think Kurenuma enjoyed it too much... haha but you take these cookies, bite a corner out of it on both ends and use it as a straw to drink milk or hot chocolate. The inside of the cookie gets super soggy, it is just so good. I'll send a vid haha.
I had the chance this last week to go on splits to Tokorozawa, my very first area when I got to Japan ("bean area"). I learned so much about how important attitude is while I was there. I really hated when I was there almost 2 years ago but I loved being back. There is an awesome park there with awesome people. We met a guy that was really prepared to learn more about Christ and had a great time. We actually woke up early to play softball with the ward and rode in the freezing cold for a long ways to get there, just to find out no one was there :/ we went all the way back and rode around trying to figure out where they were playing. We never found it and it ended up becoming a 2 hour ordeal. Anyone that knows me, especially my family knows I typically would be yelling at everyone, blaming others and would let it ruin my day. For some reason I was happy and laughing the whole time. I spent the time thinking that It was a great opportunity to watch the sun rise, get some exercise and talk with the elders I was with. Not sure if I had that attitude just because I like being a missionary or that I have changed. I hope a bit of both but ~~ attitude determines everything! I had a bad experience when I first came to Tokorozawa and had no one to blame except for myself!
Also! I just remembered today is Election Day as well as all the hate and judgement that always gets thrown around every election. Please just show some respect for other opinions and do your part and vote. I love you guys
1. Shinden Swaggin
2. Temple Trumpin ;)
3. Tim Tam Slammin (we would gulp loud and couldn't stop laughing, that's Bro Aono)
The Rest: Lambo Peepin
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