Beloved Missionaries,
Sister Warnick and I offer our deepest appreciation for your loving service to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to Sister Michiko Hirotsu in Hibarigaoka Ward on April 15th, 2017. May you always feel richly blessed for your role in the marvelous process that led to this baptism.
Thank you for your faithful service as a missionary in the Japan Tokyo South Mission. That service has borne special fruit with this baptism. Your joy for having taught the gospel will be eternal. May Heavenly Father continue to bless you throughout your life.
With Deep Appreciation,
President J. Paul Warnick and Sister Mimi L. Warnick
Japan Tokyo South Mission
Elder Brett M Spackman
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Sunday, February 12, 2017
I got this in an email from Elder Murphy today. I won’t lie I cried a bit when I saw it. I love him.
"As for Kurenuma, he was baptized on January the 14th. Suzuki Kyōdai told us to baptize him, so he asked me to. He smiled! This was maybe the happiest day he has had in a long time. Since then, he has changed so much! He laughs more, he has dōsekied (sat in on a lesson) for Masato, the guy we found with the new iPhone 7, and he has the priesthood! You did good Spackman.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Just hold on I'm going home🎶
I really don't know how to feel or really what to say about this being my last one, but this last week was pretty nuts. Kurenuma was looking super solid. I felt like we had tried our hardest to help him be ready for baptism. I've never tried so hard to listen, ask the right questions. It seemed as if we had answered all of his questions and concerns. He didn't know at the time we had planned to his baptism. We tried calling, no answer. He sent a text and told us that he is super sorry but that he doesn't have the qualifications to be baptized. We decided not to visit him and make him feel pressure. We just told him that we love him are are ready to talk when he is. He called us after the baptism and asked if he could go to church! We were pretty surprised, usually when something like this happens the investigator stops talking to the missionaries. He came to church and we had a great talk with him. He had the BEST reason for not getting baptized. He really understands the gravity of baptism and feels like he hasn't fully repented. I won't lie I was stressed and disappointed when he didn't show up but it's not about me. The thing I really didn't like was people apologizing to me, feeling sorry for me, or checking up on me. This is his salvation, not mine. It will all be ok, he is still coming to church, meeting with us and we still love him and so does God. I know we have helped him come closer to God and be more happy and that alone makes me smile. We saw him smile and laugh for the first time this last week, that felt good. It's looking like we will meet with him nightly before I leave.
We have met some awesome people recently, one of which lives right next to Kurenuma. He is a recent college graduate and originally wasn't down to meet again but the more we talked and the more he understood about Heavenly Father the more he lit up. By the end he was saying, "I want to go check out the church!" His dad came out of the shower and as he walked by gave us a bad look, we said hi and told him who we are. He said, "no, we're fine." tries to step in front of our buddy Adachi and shut the door. I don't think I have seen this my whole mission. He stops his dad and says, "no dad, it's ok." His dad did not look happy and basically said, "I don't want you talking to any weird cults." Adachi stuck up for us and said, "it's not a weird cult!" It felt so good :) He then in a hush tone exchanged numbers with us. The sad part is, we talked to a kid right after that. I didn't get around to saving his number and lost it :( We had a lesson appointment set up but Adachi didn't make it and he wasn't home when we tried to visit him. Hopefully they can get ahold of him after I leave. That happened a ton though this week. Lots of lost contact & lesson appointments missed. The day Kurenuma didn't show for his baptism we had 3 other lessons that all fell through! It's sad but out of our control.
This week while we were walking on Sun Road (busy, famous, shopping road) coming back from eating some soba in Kichijoji an older man stops about 10 feet away from us and with a fully extended arm flips us off hahaha. He comes over and starts tapping me asking me where I am from, I look at his cigarette and realize he has it in backwards so I help him flip it so the filter was in his mouth and he says, "F you!" We just walked away busting up so hard.
See you guys later this week! :)
1. My funeral at zone meeting
2. Before the death
3. The Asada's (dinner with them tonight)
4. The man, Bro Suzuki
5. Ward Mission Leader, Aono
6. Bro Kohinata
7. Keisuke & Shintaro, awesome converts that we met and baptized in Hachioji. Lol they look pretty uncomfortable but they visited me last night :)
8. Last Kichijoji district meeting
9. Flexin
10. SOBA
11. Wind Probz
12. Inside-out suit swag
13. #models
14. Wanpaku (mischievous) is what we say to call someone disobedient, my favorite park ;)
Monday, December 5, 2016
I'm Going to Miss This
What a week. For the first time on my mission I have felt a bit of how much I will miss being a missionary in Japan. I felt it at church this last week being with these awesome members and thinking about how next week will be my last time in a Japanese ward (at least for now). One kid, about 6 years old got up during testimony meeting with his dad to share a testimony. I was worried his dad would tell him what to say, never been a fan of that, but his dad didn't help at all. This kid had a paper that he had written and this is what he said, "my brother is on a mission and we heard recently that he got injured. I'm praying everyday that he will get better. I know God will answer my prayer and help him." It was such a simple testimony, but so touching. I was surprised as tears started streaming down my face. It's amazing that such a young kid can feel the influence of, build a relationship with, and be loved by a powerful being, such a God. I also thought of those of you at home who have prayed for me on my mission like this kid is praying for his brother. Thank you so much.
I also felt it during leadership conference as I bore mine and heard the testimonies of other missionaries going home, including Elder Belnap. The conference this last time was one of the best I have been to. I gave a training there on "streeting". It was fun to put together. It's been hard at times to go out on the street and try to talk to people but when I have, I always felt the joy of doing so. I'm will miss going out and introducing people to their Father in Heaven. Actually President just called me and asked me to give a training for the new missionaries coming in next week on a new "Who Is God Pamphlet." I guess I won't really get to die peacefully, out here ~~lol.
Alright some other HUGE news! Motoki baptized his mom yesterday! Elder Molen and I tried to Skype him after church to see if we could watch. He answered with him and his mom sitting there in front of everyone in white clothes listening to a song from the missionaries. He kept us on and passed us off to the missionaries so we could see the baptism. So awesome to see that. His mom was scared to go under the water so she resisted hard every time she was about to go under. They had to redo it like 4 times haha. So funny. I'll send pictures. So amazing, seems like yesterday we met him on the street and invited him to come play basketball with us. He has grown so much! I am actually headed out to Yokohama one last time to see him and Bro. Nakamura from Yamate. Ishii is coming too!
It's really looking like Kurenuma is going to be baptized this Saturday. As I have said before he has grown so much! He slept in for church but we went to his place, woke him up and he came with us to make it just in time for sacrament, perfect timing. He had some worries after he heard about tithing, so we pushed his interview back to tomorrow but we had an awesome lesson with him about it yesterday. It will require faith on his part but he's decided to go for it! Of course we shared some famous words from Nephi: "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
An update on Michiko, the older lady we met housing last week: the sisters had visited her apartment this last week. She was surprised to see them and asked how they know where she lives, they said I told them and she said, "ohh the ikemen one?"
lol. Anyways, she said that she knows they will ask her to be baptized and that she knows she needs to and wants to be baptized but that she thinks that in her mind but wants to feel it in her heart before she goes for it. Sooo golden. Also, more of a personal note for the future but... Elder Nelson told me that Aaron, a Hispanic guy in the group of three people we met the first day of our transfer together and took him back to the church for a lesson and never heard from them again, is back taking lessons with the missionaries! That made me way happy.
1. The kid that shared his testimony about his brother at church
2. MLC
3. 2 of my favorite companions, Molen & Nelson
4. Motoki baptizing his mom :)
5. Them sitting in front of everyone at the baptismal service, while skyping us lol
6. Kurenuma came w/us to Michiko's baptism!
7. She is the lady that encouraged him a ton last week and continued to do so this week
8. Shimizu & Belnap
9. If Uemura was there it would be all the Elders of my small doki (group I came in the mission with)
10. Bet you hadn't seen Belnap (MTC companion) in a while
11. He hasn't changed much, love him
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
2 More Weeks!
Dang time is short... lots of mixed feelings. I'm going to do some shopping today, P-day time has to be used very carefully now haha. This last week was great! Kurenuma took some huge steps. I've seen some amazing growth with him. I really think he'll be baptized on the 10th! For the first time we visited his apartment. He was a lot more open and relaxed while talking there. He told us he is a little scared to be baptized because of how serious of a commitment it is. We talked about the sacrament and our opportunity to make things right again even after baptism. We really focused on the gift of the Holy Ghost and the guidance and help it will give. We showed him a card with the blessings of baptism (I'll send it). He said he really just wants to follow Christ's example and become a cleaner person. I really felt the Spirit when he said that. He said an awesome prayer as well and afterwords, for the first time, he said he felt the Spirit! Next day we had a lesson with him and Bro Suzuki, day after that he came to church, then last night we went to an event in Kichijoji. He showed up an hour late because of work... but it was still a great experience for him. There was an older lady named Michiko there who is getting baptized this Saturday. Talk about a golden investigator, she's amazing. I introduce her to Kurenuma and got them talking. She realized he is preparing to be baptized soon and must have known he needed some encouragement and help. Next thing I know she is just holding and shaking his hands over my lap saying, "We can do this together! Come to my baptism! You are so awesome, you can do it! First I will do it this week, then you do it the next! I had a baptismal date, then realized that baptism will bring me closer to God and Christ so I decided to do it sooner!" Man what an example for Kurenuma. This lady just makes everyone around her happy and smile. On the way home Kurenuma said that he doesn't feel worried and feels prepared for baptism. (first time hearing that as well~~ had to have been Michiko's influence) It's crazy how much we can strengthen those around us with love and positivity.
Speaking of Michiko, we felt like we should go the opposite way coming out of the apartment earlier in the week and eventually we were led to a small apartment complex. There wasn't many people there but one man, Takuma, opened the door to us and was excited to see us. Turns out he used to meet with missionaries years ago and Elder Millard had called him just a few days before. We gave him a pamphlet, he read it and the other Elders are in touch with him! The odds of us running into that dude are way low and we just picked the right apartment by chance? I don't think so. Then downstairs from Takuma an older lady, Michiko, cracked the door but kept it latched. She said, "sorry let me unlock it, didn't know if I could trust you but I can tell by looking at you you're good people." She turns out to be one of the nicest lady's I have ever met. You can't deny that Japanese people are some of the nicest in the world. We taught her a lesson and she knows a ton about Christianity! She kept going off about how she believes that someone made us. It was awesome to introduce more about the being to her. She agreed to meet again but wouldn't let me get her number to give to the sisters. She noticed the disappointment and said that we could set a time. She ended up coming to the church the next day and I got to sit in on some of the amazing lesson the sisters had with her. Both of them met in that small apartment. That's the third investigator we have found for them this transfer. The other two are looking way solid, one of which, Hiro, is getting baptized with Kurenuma on the 10th!
Now looking back on it, we saw some amazing things happen this week. I don't know if you remember hearing about Yuta but we lost contact with him. He doesn't check his Facebook enough. I really regretted forgetting to give him a Book of Mormon last time we met and it was looking like we would never see him again. Elder Molen and I had to go to Tokorozawa for a district meeting, while walking up the stairs to the station I saw Yuta! He was going to Tokorozawa too so we talked to him the whole way and got him a Book of Mormon. He has been better about answering us on FB after that. I can't explain how much of a "coincidence" that is.
Thanksgiving was honestly the lamest one I have ever had... haha. We didn't do anything, just felt like a normal day. EXCEPT members had us over for awesome meals Wednesday and Thursday night. I'll send pics! Love you guys and can't wait to see y'all!
1. Dinner w/ Uemura's!
2. Dinner w/ Aoki's!
3. Today at the temple
4. Murph & I
5. Just a normal night on conference call
6. So we go to a bomb Ramen place here but it's closed. The owner sees us and opens it back up for us!! We couldn't believe it, he's so nice. He doesn't need the money, there is always a line of like 20 people outside. He just wanted to be nice :)
7. I'm gonna miss the food here
8. Millard is something else lol
9. Oh Japan...
10. Blessings of baptism
11. I've missed snow
Monday, November 21, 2016
Good pictures, lame email
This is going to be really short! Motoki came to visit today, so I am with him right now. He is doing awesome. He has been trying his hardest to share the gospel with his family and friends. We talked about his mom and how school has been. His mom is still planning on getting baptized and his sister really wants to go to church too. It's looking like eventually his whole family will accept the gospel. So amazing :) He is going to Australia to work on a farm until he has enough money to go on a mission. Such an amazing kid. He's actually got a job at Costco until he leaves! haha such a boss.
I'm going to miss Elder Bradford, he went off to a nice area with a beast companion it will be good for him. He is and will become a boss missionary! My new companion is pretty cool. He is just relaxed but takes the work really seriously. He is super quiet so far. I will have to rub off on him a bit this transfer lol. He's going to help me finish off strong though. Actually the day he transferred in we found three new people! Hopefully we can get in contact with them again.
The night before Elder Bradford left we worked hard and met some awesome people. On our way home we sparked a convo with a guy named Yuta. I was talking about who God is and asked what he thought. He said that's a being he would like to meet. We talked about Christ and how he prepared a way for us to do so. Literally the next day (so rare) he met with Elder Murphy and I. We had an awesome first lesson. I'm really hoping he decides to continue to meet with us.
Other than that we have had a ton of meetings. On Saturday we had 6 hours of meeting in Kichijoji. We went there on Friday, Saturday & Sunday. We have to go back again this Tuesday. We go by bike every time and I'm kinda sick of it lol
Love you guys
1. MOTOKI, I gave him one of my tags and a tie
2. I will never forget this kid #eternalbrothers
3. Happy Holidays from Bradford and I
4. You can't really see but we bought matching ties
5. I think I forgot this one last week
6. Takagi made me a painting! He makes it all with spray paint
7. He actually gave us a ton of his paintings, they are so awesome
8. Last pic with the district
9. A drink that's famous amongst missionaries here, Perk
10. The new companion! Murphy
11. Bradford transferring in style lol
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Lame Weekly: Feel free to skip this one
Here we go, last transfer! I'm sad to say that my son Elder Bradford won't be killing me. He is transferring and I'm staying here in Hibarigaoka. I'm will miss Bradford, we've had some good times! My new companion will be a pretty young missionary Elder Murphy. I know nothing about him haha. Elder Millard is staying in the apartment and his new companion will be Elder Molen! Molen and I were companions in Yamate and he is one of my favorite companions. We get to be zone leaders together, I'm pretty excited. I'm really thankful I get to stay here with one of the best wards in the mission.
It's kinda sad, this transfer we found some really cool people and they have just slowly disappeared. This last week I was on splits with Elder Millard we met this guy around our age named Takuma. He was down to just go check out the church with us right then. We gave him a "tour" (showed him the chapel and sat down and talked). We sang "I am a child of God" and he joined in with us. We taught a super simple and short lesson about God and what we do as missionaries. Honestly it was a pretty perfect lesson. He was way down to meet again when he left, we exchanged info. Then a couple days ago sent us a text saying he won't meet with us again. I don't really get it... The only person that has really stuck around is Kurenuma.
Kurenuma really seems to be progressing. He actually bailed on our lesson this last Saturday though because he had a headache. It was pretty disappointing because we were already there waiting for him with a member. An hour later we were walking and saw him on his bike riding to the church. He figured out Bradford is transferring and hustled to the church to see him, not knowing that transfers aren't until Thursday. So we ended up going back to the church to have a lesson. We recently realized he has been waiting for something glorious from God telling him that he should be baptized, like a vision or dream. We thought it got cleared up last week but I guess it didn't quite stick. We talked a lot about how the Spirit works, how God communicates with us and the importance of knowing if the Book of Mormon is true or not. As Bradford shared his simple testimony of the BoM, Kurenuma said he feels like it is true. He said he feels like God is trying to tell him it's true. We read some scriptures about baptism and he said he wants to go for it! So he is on date for the 10th of next month. We are going to have to really work with him and help him feel more prepared. Pretty excited for him though!
This last Sunday they had the primary (kids) program and I really felt spirit. Kids are honestly so special, I'm excited to spend time with the little ones in the family: Kennedy, Pearl, Ashton, & London. Love you four! I'm excited to see you in a month :)
Love you guys <3
1. Last district meeting
3. MLC
4. The AP's sent this out to the whole mission... lol
5. God's plan for us, the Plan of Salvation
6. Throwback to TimTam Slams last week
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