Thursday, January 29, 2015

Crazy Week

This week I got released as district leader because of the whole Panda incident. Not too happy about it... jk lolz though I did get released! Each DL serves for 3 weeks here. That flew by. It really wasn't that much responsibility. Though I am kind of relieved I don't have to get the mail and conduct meetings anymore. I feel like being district leader in the field is probably more responsibility/more legit. I have less than a month here, which is sweet.

I am stoked to leave. I will miss this place in a weird way but also will be so relieved. During my release interview with my branch pres. the Panda incident came up. He had gotten a call about it. He didn't even really care. I explained how we were all kind of angry and confused that we don't have our teacher back yet. He said in the phone call that he was told the mtc had let our teacher go...meaning he was fired. I won't even bother trying to explain my feelings about this cause I don't have the time. Though I am not happy about it. Nor is the rest of my district. We are trying to figure out who we can write letters to about it. Either that or we may be having someone come in to answer our questions and explain the reasoning behind firing a great teacher for bringing food to some elders to motivate/reward them for their hard work. I love this gospel. I love the Spirit I feel here. I love the teachers. I love so many of the people I have met. But as to the MTC? I really don't like it and hate some of the ways they handle situations. Call it hard hearted or prideful, I don't care. The MTC is too strict and controlling. Love hate relationship is real right now. 

This week I finally got some tough love, blunt statements, and honest opinions from our teacher and some of the speakers. So nice to hear that because it's what really motivates me. Our teacher talked about teaching people not lessons and asking inspired questions from God/the Spirit. He also talked about how important applying our lessons to specific people rather than teaching what we teach everyone, is so important. More importantly though, he told us that we aren't using much inspiration in our lessons nor speaking with the Spirit. I needed that. 

Then this last Tuesday we had an awesome devo!! Greatest one yet or equal to the David Archuletta one (goodness he is so hot <3 lolz). Elder Larry Katcher of the quorum of the 70 spoke. As many of you already know I struggle with my attitude towards obedience to a lot of the rules here and in life. Katcher spoke on WHY obedience brings so many blessings. Finally makes sense to me. Obedience allows us to gain trust. Not just with our friends, boss, or parents or for me with fellow missionaries or even my mission pres. but most importantly with God. God has so many miracles that he hopes to perform through us missionaries (and everyone in general). Though, if he can't trust us to be obedient then why should he trust us to be a part of these miracles? I want that trust and am striving to work harder, be more obedient, and to do the right things at all times.

Katcher also spoke on the importance of our attitude. I learned a lot about this selling alarms in LA this last summer. Though I didn't do the best, it prepped me for this really well and I had such a great time. Every time I got dropped off in a neighborhood and believed the hood was crap and that I wouldn't sell there, I never did. In fact I would many times just sit on the curb "knowing" I wouldn't get a sale. Every time I said "this hood is straight money, finna blow it up" I more often than not, would do well. I realize that Japan hasn't been the most successful place in terms of converts to Jesus Christ and this gospel. Though I don't have that attitude going into it. Japan has many great qualities but has the second highest suicide rate behind Korea. Many of the people are struggling at the bottom of the hierarchy in their culture. So many people there need the gospel. Katcher said that anyone that says: "the people are nice in your mission, though you won't get many baptisms, you will mostly do seed planting" (no offense to anyone that said that) is lying. I hope to prove those expectations as wrong. Maybe I will exceed the anticipated baptisms, maybe I won't. All I know is I won't let the expectations that others have for Japan missions (and the amount of conversions I will have) hold me back. The number of and strength of conversions with investigators is what is really important. I feel like the saying, "the number of baptisms you get isn't important" is true but has become an excuse to be a mediocre missionary for many.

My best friend here Elder Judd from Brighton is leaving this Monday for Japan. He is going to Tokyo! Stoked for him but I am going to miss him. Hopefully we can find a way to see each other at the mission border, or meet at the temple. 

I am trying hard to lucid dream every night I go to bed. It's crazy. If you don't know what it is look it up. I know a decent amount about it. If you know anything about it shoot me an email with some tips or fact or something cause I can't really look that stuff up here.

Thanks a ton for the support everyone! 

Ai Shite Mas,

Spackman Choro

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Past the Hump


I am past the hump here at the mtc! Yesterday was the start of my 6th week. I leave the 23rd of February. Tomorrow will be a month until I leave. Crazy to think about. When I first left I kind of prepped myself for Japan. Now that I am used to the life here at the MTC (well kind of), I will have to prepare for such a different world again for next 23 months of my mission. One of the few things we are allowed to do here is get on google maps and check out our mission and it's pretty addicting. I definitely spend too much time doing that. I heard about the NFL playoffs and sad I am missing out. When I first heard about the playoffs I guessed it would be a Pats and Hawks in the SB and that the Colts would upset Denver. Just saying.. still got it. 

For some reason I can't find my camera. Let's hope I didn't loose it.. So sorry no pics this week.. 

So couple things I want to clear up from last email. We didn't actually go to Panda express last week. Our teacher just brought it to us in the parking lot on our way to the temple. We were trying to do it within the rules. Guess we still broke it... whoops! lol

Also this place really isn't as bad as I made it sound. I just know all of you want to hear my feelings about the mission and I try to tell you the unabridged version of how it really is. Just cause I would rather not say anything than not be real. FIRST THINGS FIRST I"M THE REALEST. lolz. So if you ask how the MTC is I will probably just tell you to check out my weekly email, cause that is actually how it is. It really is sick here though and I know it's where I need to be. I realize most of the reason they have these crazy rules are to keep structure with so many missionaries here.

So an update on the teacher that brought us Panda. We haven't heard from him since. We were told that he is supposed to talk to someone about what happened but that person of higher authority is gone. He was supposed to be back yesterday but the time got extended to next week. We are all starting to get worried. Sucks because we don't have any way of communicating with him... 

On Tuesday my best friend here, Elder Maynes got sent home... He had some things that he didn't clear up before he came out. I felt pretty bad plus I am going to miss him around here a ton. I see how hard it must be to be here for 8 weeks or so and not be able to make it to Japan. Sometimes that is the only thing that keeps me going. I am way proud of him though. He is such a great example for doing the right thing. Don't ever judge a missionary for coming home for whatever reason it is. Just love the crap out of them. It has got to be one of the hardest things. I have seen too many become depressed and/or throw away their lives because of the judgment of others. Don't get me wrong I am just as guilty as any for judging others. Still working on it.

I got a huge letter from the fam (thanks guys). Heard some GREAT news. My sister Amber is pregnant! I couldn't help but get teary eyed seeing this realizing how much I will miss while I am gone. It's all worth it though. I already know that and I'm not even in Japan. She asked: Girl or Boy? I am guessing boy. Just because I already have 2 nieces... So I think the odds are in my favor. Just call it hunger games? Dang I feel like I am loosing my humor here.
Elder Ballard (one of the 12 leaders of the church for those who don't know) came and spoke this week. One thing he said was that whenever we are feeling down to just write a letter to Joseph Smith in the terrible conditions of Carthage Jail and try to cheer him up. We will be humbled real quick. For those of you who don't know Joseph Smith, just write a letter to a hero of yours who has been through an extremely hard time. Something that seems unbearable to you and try to cheer them up. Great advice I know that would make me appreciate life so much better. 
Ballard didn't do this but I have noticed here that so many people compliment and tell us missionaries that "we are doing great" and that "we shouldn't stress too hard." I don't know about the rest of the missionaries here but I respond a lot more to blunt and sometimes negative encouragement. I love responding to opposition that doesn't think I can do something (haters are motivators lolz). Sometimes I feel that we are almost worshiped which in all honesty none of us deserve it. I am just happy to be here, it's a great opportunity. I wish I felt more pressure to learn the language. It's all on me here in the MTC, which may be the hardest part for me right now.

I feel like I am missing something but can't think of anything else! I love you all and am so thankful for all of your friendship, memories together and example that many of you have set for me. The chances of me being here now without so many great friends and examples would be very slim. Family is not only blood, but also the friends you choose.

Much Love Fam.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Halfway Done at the MTC!

Here's my district. Love these guys
top: me, Hansen, Igen, Muhlstein
bottom: Shuenman, DE LA PAZ, Nelson, Welch, Whisenant, Belnap (my comp)

O haio gozaimasu minason!
Sorry I wasn’t able to get back on yesterday to send this. My comp and I got done with our temple session (always great) and a lady asked us if we had a few minutes to come help with laundry. I was excited about the opportunity to serve! Though she unloaded a huge pile of socks and showed me the tedious way of folding them. Almost 2 hours later we said that we needed to leave to make it in time for dinner. When we left the temple we saw the sickest sunset and the temple looked great. I realized that I hadn’t seen a sunset since I got here because we are always in class. No picture of the sunset though pictures don’t do justice. Plus I am trying to avoid being too basic.
Not the craziest part of my day though. We begged one of the teachers here to get us Panda Express (we all miss food outside of the mtc) Greggory said that if we did really well with SYL (speak your language) for the next week we would do it. So we did yesterday. I got a Mountain Dew which I have greatly missed in this caffeine free prison ;) That first bite made me so happy. While we are sitting there eating and talking a cop car pulls up and this British guy that works for the MTC hopped out. Our teacher was like “ah busted, I can’t get in trouble right now” The man asked us how we knew this man. Greggory said that he was our teacher. Of course the man asked who the district leader was. At which time I tried to take as much blame as possible by saying it was my idea and that’s how we motivated ourselves to speak our language. It was p day so I had a little scruff on my face and the man chewed me out for it. Our teacher is such a stud I don’t want him to take any heat for this. I learn so well from him. The enforcer asked if he knew this wasn’t allowed and our teacher honestly didn’t. The rules say that he teachers can’t bring food to the “classroom.” I don’t see the big deal. The man said we should have known because “you don’t see anyone else doing this, I haven’t seen this in the 15 years I have worked here.” I couldn’t help but think “Aren’t we supposed to avoid doing what everyone else does?” I’ll be super angry if anything happens to my teacher.
Getting pretty annoyed with the rules here. I think we deserve a little more trust. Elders back in the day used to be able to take a bus on p days and go to the mall. Sometimes they would even attend BYU football games (which I wouldn’t mind cheering against the Cougs). The mall?! We can’t even get some panda express as a reward for working on the language. I sound super negative. I just don’t like rules that reward the people that just lie or purposely break them. For example we could have just walked to Panda and no one would have noticed. Though we knew that was against the rules. So we tried to do it within the rules. This place is a jail sometimes, though I still love it. My teachers are awesome, Spirit is strong, district is sick, and language is fun. Just the ups and downs I guess.
Earlier in the week our upperclassmen left for Japan. So crazy! I am stoked for them and it really got me excited. My district beat the cereal eating record here at the MTC for a single district. Previous record was 73 now it’s 83 for a single sitting. Elder Nelson of my district ate 15 bowls. What a stud.
My comp and I are still teaching the investigators. One of them doesn’t believe in God so we are just helping him pray to know if He is real. This was our 5thlesson. I decided to tell him again that I know God loves him and wants him to be happy now and eternally. I asked if that’s something he wants. All he said back or at least all I understood was that he prayed and as usual he didn’t feel anything. My comp and I sat in silence for about 15 minutes. The investigator finally just went to the bathroom. We quickly go some words together and told him that God doesn’t always answer our prayers right away or how we want Him too. He just has to keep showing faith. Later we asked our teacher (who acts as our investigator) if he needed to go to the bathroom. He said, “No we just needed some time to think” lol.
Sorry to those of you who aren’t LDS, this may not make a ton of sense. Let me know if you have any questions. At last Tuesday’s devo for some reason I was crying through the opening hymns “Choose the Right” and “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go.” The Spirit was strong. I knew there must be someone special waiting to come through the doors. Sure enough Elder Nelson of the 12 came out right after. His second visit while I have been here. I believe that Elder Nelson and the rest of the 12 disciples have been called of God. There is no other way I could have felt His presence in that building through the Spirt. One of the things he said was that we need to learn how to trust ourselves, and never break that trust. I love that, if nothing else, you will always have yourself. Whether religious or not, do what makes you happy, not necessarily for the here and now but for your future and future family. Commit to it, and “trust yourself” that you will fulfill it. I needed to hear that just as much as anyone else. His wife talked about “being desperate” and used it in every sentence. I realized that I need to be desperate for success as a missionary as I was desperate for playing time my senior year of basketball.
Sorry lots to say this week! Again no hard feelings if you are getting these emails and don’t want them, just let me know
Ai Shite Masu
Supakuman Choro

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Konnichiwa Minasen!

Konnichiwa Minasen!

Minasen meaning everyone. Maybe it's son not sen but whatevs. This week flew by! The time is flying quicker and quicker. I am almost halfway done with my stay here at the mtc. The language is very hard but I know for a fact that Heavenly Father has been helping me.

We are teaching an investigator named Shohei (who is actually just my teacher pretending to be an investigator). He is actually the same guy who played as my first investigator here Hashimotto. I just didn’t know he would be my teacher at the time! His real name is Greggory Kyodai (Brother), such a stud. I love both him and my other teacher Sheehan Sensei. Though I learn Japanese from Greggory really well. So anyways Shohei (investigator Greggory plays) agreed to baptism this week. The Spirit was so strong in the room and I couldn’t stop smiling. It wasn’t even a real investigator but it still made me soo happy! Gosh I can’t wait to be able to experience that with real investigators and open their eyes to the happiness that the gospel brings.

Last Sunday was my first fast Sunday here. If any of you need anything I would strongly encourage fasting. It helped me receive my answer to go on a mission and it has helped me in learning the language out here. You can only experience the power by doing it yourself though. I thought it would be a super long day with a 2 hour mission conference and starving 2/3 of the day. Though I was extremely surprised how easy it was because I was fasting for something specific. We figured out, at the mission conference, that the mtc President Nally is being released. I never met him but he seems like a great guy. He has served as the pres the last 4 years. Which means he has welcomed this huge increase in missionaries after the age change. What a task. It also means he has welcomed most of the homies that were such great examples in serving missions that came before me. A new district leader was also called. Everyone (including me) thought it would be 1 of 2 other elders in the district who are probably the best at staying on task and being obedient. I got called in for my regular interview and right off the bat, my branch pres. asked if I would serve as the new district leader. I was pretty surprised, though honored. Being district leader really isn’t a big deal but not everyone in our district will get a chance because we have ten elders. I love my district so much. I can’t help but feel a little inadequate to lead such a sick group. Though I am excited about the opportunity.

Yesterday we hosted new missionaries, and we are doing it next week too. So cool to see so many cars and elders being dropped off. Something I didn’t get to experience because I was an early arrival. My elder's mom would not stop crying and hugging him. Reminded me of why I am here and the support I have had and continue to have. Love you mom. Thank you to those of you that have helped me get here. I say it a lot but I will never say it enough.

Yesterday we jumped really far ahead in the Japanese lessons with Sheehan Sensei and I understood it all and it blew my mind. I love this language. I get emotional sometimes when learning it because it is soo cool. Yet soo frustratingly simple. English is so confusing yet it makes sense in my mind. So Japanese is so hard because everything is simplified. Like I said earlier though I can feel God's help. Thank you to those of you who have been praying for me. Especially my niece Kennedy :) I just wanted to let you know your prayers are being answered.

I can’t believe I am almost halfway done with my stay here in the mtc. Craziness. I know it’s a basic thing to say but it’s so crazy how fast time is flying. Just call me Basic Brett…. Cancel

No time to proof read this so sorry if I am illiterate…
Ai Shite Masu! (I love you)
Spackman Chorro
Here are some pictures other elders have taken. I finally got my camera to work so I will start sending some of my own.
Just call me Jedi Swagman 
One of the elders in my district, Elder Hansen and me 
To be honest, I get pretty tired sometimes. So does the homie De La Paz Choro. He fell out of his desk and I woke up to him falling on me lol.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

Hey everyone! Happy New Year!

I hope you all had more fun than me going to bed and hearing the taunting boom of fireworks outside the MTC lol. What a crazy year it has been. I don't even remember last new years.. Though I know I have changed a ton.

Christmas day was pretty great here. They always say that if elders are in the MTC for Christmas it is their favorite one. I would definitely disagree. I missed my family more than ever that day. Was it the most memorable Christmas? Yes. Not my favorite though. I did get to call the parentals for about 30 minutes which was pretty sweet. Elder Nelson came and spoke to us which was pretty awesome. You can just feel the change in a room when an apostle walks in. Later we watched the movie Ephraim's Rescue. Really cool. I would strongly recommend it. 

This last Sunday we had our usual devotional. David Archuleta came. You would not believe how much the sisters were freaking out. I couldn't help but think about how angry the MTC leaders would be if all the Elders were hooting and hollering at a girl at the devo. I usually am not a fan of younger male singers who girls just obsess over ,so I have never liked David. Though I soon realized that he's a straight boss. Great singer. He recently got back from his mission in Argentina. What a stud to go serve the Lord despite the success that he has had in the music industry. He let it all go, to serve, he also has a way strong testimony and sick story. To be that successful but still be that humble and faithful is very rare and admirable. He also brought the organist for Mo Tab. One of the most talented dudes I have ever seen on the organ. Dad check him out on YouTube or something. His name is Richard Elliot I think? He did some sweet Christmas songs. Played this one song mostly with feet. It was insane. 

I am having trouble with these super restrictive rules of the mtc. Not obeying but just my attitude towards them. Mostly the ones that restrict me from feeling the Spirit. For example, not being able to listen to mo tab or gospel music in the classroom or in the room. Even if it's over speakers. Don't get me wrong though I am having a ton of fun making friends, learning the language (as hard as it is) and continuing my conversion to Christ. I realized this week that the my personal benefits of serving a mission come second to serving the Lord the people and working hard. If I do those things the personal advantages of a mission come second.

The last thing is a little weird/funny. There is a district here with a lot of sisters who all think I look a ton like Tom Hanks. I always catch them staring and talking about me. pretty awk no lie. Yesterday during dinner one walked up to me and said "Elder Tom Hanks I have something for you" hands me a note. The note went off on all these Tom Hank movie puns and how creepy she must be to be writing a note but it's cause she thinks I am so wonderful. On the back it said "feel free to write me." One of the other sisters dropped off a similar note but not saying a word. What is this first grade? lol. Not sure if I should take this Tom Hanks thing as a compliment or... nah... 

Anyways! Didn't have a ton of time this week. Sorry if I didn't get back to you. If you can send me your address and/or dear elder me so that I'm not restricted to answering in just an hour...